Services Overview


Educational Buildings

Educational buildings have particular design requirements in terms of spatial planning and flexible use of space, control of vibrations and acoustics, and robustness. In the higher education sector, the form of construction is typically academic buildings consisting of offices, lecture theatres, classrooms and laboratories, and multi-story student residences consisting of multiple bedrooms.

Key requirements for educational buildings are fast construction programmers so that new buildings can be completed within one academic year, or even three months of the summer vacation in the case of building extensions, and also the flexible use of space to meet current and future educational needs.





The constructions have achieved a strong market share in all types of educational buildings for the above reasons. Modular construction has become the dominant form of construction for larger student residences, particularly for metropolitan universities. Shallow floor solutions have found a niche in this sector because of their superior vibration and acoustic performance, and the ability to reconfigure the internal space by re-locating internal light steel walls.

We have good knowledge of Educational Building Construction. We understand the unique challenges of working in a live school environment and are sought by clients across Europe to deliver new builds and refurbishments to educational premises.